
Darkness Reformed: Part V - Potential

Shun, Luna and Bruno leaned against the outer wall of Djastra’a. The light shining down from a golden, sunless sky. Under it, each of them felt exposed; like 1000 people were staring at them. As soon as they caught their breath, Bruno grabbed Luna.

“So let me get this straight, Queenie,” he said, holding Luna by the lapels of her robes. “You have no magic, no plan to kill Xipil, and if we leave the city, an ancient god of darkness will tear us apart. Did I miss something or did you just royally screw us!?”

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Darkness Reformed: Part IV - The Silent Road

Fensburg was silent that night. No frogs croaked, no owls or other birds, nothing. The entire wood around the town was eerily silent, and they were all aware of it. That night, no one slept, each of them gravely aware of how much danger they were in. When they set out at dawn, it was reluctantly and with heavy eyelids.

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Darkness Reformed: Part III.5 - Travel Agency

Energy crackled on Luna’s hand, and for a split second, her wings were visible. She quickly swiped her hand in front of her, leaving a trail of blood floating, marking its path. At the same time, the room rang with the sound of a gunshot, but neither fell. When the sound faded, the gun and bullet had disappeared into the void - Luna’s void - and Bruno stood there, stunned. All he could do was stare at the faint outline of Luna’s wings.

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