

I’ve wandered the plains of Ospho, the Eclipselands, and even the streets of Harmony. The world is at odds with itself. I can fix it; bring it to peace. And yet she stands in my way. “I said get outta here, gnoll! Don’t make me carve you up too.”

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Show, Don't Tell

Show, don’t tell, an axiom you’ll hear if you’ve spent any time at all around writers, or been in an english class at some point. For a three word axiom, it hides a surprising amount of complexity within. At its core, all it means is that you should write the experience of the world you’re creating, not the experience of the characters experiencing the world. But this sort of thing is best explained through example, so let’s get to it.

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Winter 2018-2019 Check-in

Winter has ended and Spring has sprung. This means that once again, it’s time for a look at what I have and haven’t accomplished since last time. This season was hard. The holidays were up first and shortly thereafter, my dog died. It wasn’t easy but on my site, I managed to finish my little short story series, Darkness Reformed, and went on to write some pretty good stuff, if I do say so myself. But that’s not what this is about. This is about seeing if I hit any of the goals I set for myself. Let’s just jump into it.

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How to Kill (Fictional) People

Stories would be nothing without stakes, and by far, the most common thing at stake is a character’s life. A good story gets you invested, and can even force you to suspend your disbelief in plot armor as you dangle your heroes off a cliff. But when do you let them take the plunge? In general, that’s up to you, but at least hear what I have to say on, how and how not to kill people.

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Diversity: Why You Should Write it

Let’s talk about diversity in fiction. Now I realize a topic sentence like that might frighten those of weak constitution, but rest assured, you have nothing to fear from me. While a diverse cast is by no means a requirement to tell a good story, it must needs be remarked that having a diverse cast can provide a myriad of viewpoints from which to examine your story, and as a result, make it deeper and richer. That’s the core of what I’d like to say, but this would be an awfully short post if it ended here, so let’s set up and knock down some strawmen, shall we?

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