Yo! What's Up? (An Update)

It’s been too long, don’tcha think? It’s been since June, but it feels longer than that, at least to me. I needed some time. Time to work on myself and try to... try to like me. I’m not trying to make excuses, just explain where I’ve been. But now here I am. Back on the same old site, getting ready to start this happy crappy again. So what can you, the whole 3 people who read this blog expect? More writing. I’ve written a couple things since I last actively updated the site and I think I have enough emotional distance from them to start sharing. Does this mean I’ll be updating every week? I have no idea right now. I’d really like that, but if I’m not up to it, there’s not much that can be done. 

So how’s The Chimera Project going? Just fine actually. Slow, but fine. I’m currently working on my first round of self edits. They’re bigger and more of an undertaking than I expected, but that in and of itself is kind of expected, isn’t it? As of writing this, I’m working my way through chapter 2, which is really chapter 3, but because the original chapter 2 got merged with chapter 1, the numbering is all messed up, and the new chapter 2 may get merged with the old chapter 4 and- what I’m trying to express is that this whole process is kind of a clusterfuck and I’m am now, more than ever before, flying by the seat of my pants. Edits will continue, and I can’t wait to be able to share things here. So, final question, when can you expect to see stuff back on this website? Tuesday. Please look forward to it.