
    I’ve wandered the plains of Ospho, the Eclipselands, and even the streets of Harmony. The world is at odds with itself. I can fix it; bring it to peace. And yet she stands in my way. “I said get outta here, gnoll! Don’t make me carve you up too.”

    Tamar adjusted the shawl on her shoulders. “Lars, right? The Pacifist?” she spat the title like venom. “The people of Deep Harmony have enough to worry about without a warrior like you rampaging through the place. You give pacifists a bad name!” 

    “I don’t have time to debate you! I’m only here for Burnside. She, and she alone stands in the way of this settlement being peaceful.”

    “Leave,” she snarled. “Or I’ll make you.”

    He burst out laughing. “Are gnolls really as stupid, backward, and inbred as I’d heard!?

    Just keep running your mouth...

    “Maybe, I need to speak your language.” He beat his chest and let loose a howl that seemed to shake the room.

    Tamar remained unmoved. 

    “Fine, you dumb bitch! I warned you!” he drew his blade, short, wide, and bearing the insignia of some long forgotten kingdom far to the north. 

    Tamar bent down, and from a pile of discarded items withdrew a well loved buckler and slid it onto her arm. I don’t need to beat him. Only need to hold out.

    Lars swung for the fences and his blade crashed against the dented shield. Tamar reached around her shield and grabbed onto the straps on the front of his armor, and threw him to the ground. His sword fell from his grasp and clattered to the ground. Tamar moved to kick it. Lars grabbed her ankle before she could, and she slammed into the hard stone floor. With the door now within his grasp, Lars leapt to his feet and turned the knob. Tamar squeezed her eyes shut. Burn! In a split second, the doorknob turned red hot and Lars was forced to release it, screaming in pain. 

    “Fucking whore!”

    “You couldn’t even afford to look at me!” Tamar got to her feet and took up the shield again.

    He burst out laughing. “Y’know what? You’re fucking ridiculous. If you picked up my sword, you’d have me. The purity of your pacifist ideals are your weakness!” He reached to the holster on his hip and drew a gun. “I was being sporting before, but you’re too much of a threat. Begone!”

    Tamar lifted the shield to block the bullet, but as the crack of the gun firing filled the air, she knew he was too late. She flew back and dropped her shield. A cold pressure in the center of her torso quickly became a burning bullet wound. Blood began to pool around her.

    “Sorry, bitch!” he turned to leave.

    “You will be!” The room was flooded with blue-white light and Lars’s body erupted in white flame. The crackling of the flames drowned out his cries. At last, he turned, and sprinted back toward the entrance, clutching at the worst burned parts of his body.

Okay, gotta get fixed up. Tamar focused once again, drawing magical energies of the earth into her body. She willed her wound to expel the bullet and then knit itself back together. She breathed a sigh of relief as the pain subsided. Shit... maybe I am wrong...

So this here is just a little scene I put together at my boyfriend’s behest. It features two of his original characters: Lars, who seeks peace through war, and Tamar who seeks peace through pacifism. The setting is my own little fantasy world; specifically beneath a city called Harmony. I know it ain’t much, but Boyf thought it was good enough to share.